Kellie Camp by Invite Only

Your horsemanship journey is important to us here at Horse In Hand Ranch. Because we are inspired by that, Kellie and the Crew at HIHR have developed an experience of discovery for you and your horse. 

This safe learning environment paired with the educational support from Kellie will focus on developing effective skill proficiency in horsemanship on the ground and in riding. It will support the very foundation of your horsemanship.

This is the horsemanship that becomes the invisible bond between you and your horse and will support your future endeavors.

Enjoy three full days spent focusing on your journey with total access to the entire HIHR facility and riding alongside Kellie.  Patient molding and drawing out of the potential of you and your horse.

What to expect?

  • Includes 3 full days of group learning & riding, stabling, & camping

  • Dates released to individuals invited

  • Previous lessons/play days/building blocks with Kellie required


$495 or $445 for boarders & members


Please complete the following form if you are interested in attending our Kellie Camp. We’ll be in touch!